
Dr. Rahman M. Mahbub

Associate Professor & Head
Faculty and Department Affiliation

Faculty of Arts and Social Science
Department of English

Degrees and Universities Attended

Ph.D.    in    Comparative    Literature,    IU
M.A.    in    English    Literature    ,    Jahangirnagar    University
B.A.    (Hons.)    in    English,    Jahangirnagar    University

Short Introduction

Dr. Rahman M. Mahbub, is an Associate Professor in English at the City University. He is also a critic, academic, translator, bilingual writer and a poet. Dr. Mahbub earned his Ph.D. in Comparative Literature . He has been teaching English Language and Literature for over 22 years at different universities. He has published – in both English and Bengali - a good number of creative articles on literature, literary criticism, socio-cultural issues and on topics of varied interest in different journals, national dailies, periodicals, little magazines. He has also published twenty-four Research Papers and Book Reviews in reputed journals. He has presented four conference papers in Bangladesh and India as keynote speaker and resource person. He has fourteen books to his credit . Besides academic responsibilities he was also the member secretary of Seminar and Debate Committee, Editorial board member of various publications committees at different institutions. He has coordinated and facilitated English Language Training for English Teachers, Medical College Students, Nurses and Senior Paramedics and trained university students on translation and creative writing. Currently, he is the Head of the Department and Chair, Program Self-Assessment Committee, IQAC, Department of English, City University . He also worked as an adjunct/guest faculty and/or External Examiner at Jahangirnagar University, BUP, DIU, and GB. He has been working as an Associate Editor, IDEAS: A Journal of Literature Arts and Culture , since 2015; Associate Editor, BODHI, International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science, India; Executive Editor, City University Journal, Bangladesh; and Reviewer, International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Sciences (IJRISS), India. He has edited a good number of wall magazines since his school days including KOTHA arr LEKHA ( 2010- 2022). He is one of the PhD Thesis Evaluation Panel Members & External Examiners at Universitiesin India.Dr. Mahbub has also Supervised Theses Papers/ Dissertation and course-project works (of Translation Studies) of more than 500 students.

Teaching experience

Twenty  two  years  

Research Interest



Name:  Dr.  Rahman  M.  Mahbub

Degree  and  University  attended:

Ph.D.  in  Comparative  Literature,  IU                                                                  
M.A.  in  English  Literature  ,  Jahangirnagar  University            
B.A.  (Hons.)  in  English,  Jahangirnagar    University

Contact  Information:  
Mobile:  01878677729

View  Profile

Short  Introduction:  

Dr.  Rahman  M.  Mahbub,    is  an  Associate  Professor  in  English  at  the  City  University.  He  is  also  a  critic,  academic,  translator,  bilingual  writer  and  a  poet.  
Dr.  Mahbub  earned  his  Ph.D.  in  Comparative  Literature  .  He  has  been  teaching  English  Language  and  Literature  for  over  22  years  at  different  universities.  He  has  published  –  in  both  English  and  Bengali  -  a  good  number  of  creative  articles  on  literature,  literary  criticism,  socio-cultural  issues  and  on  topics  of  varied  interest  in  different  journals,  national  dailies,  periodicals,  little  magazines.  
He  has  also  published  twenty-four  Research  Papers  and  Book  Reviews  in  reputed  journals.  He  has  presented  four  conference  papers  in  Bangladesh  and  India  as  keynote  speaker  and  resource  person.  He  has  fourteen  books  to  his  credit  .  Besides  academic  responsibilities  he  was  also  the  member  secretary  of  Seminar  and  Debate  Committee,  Editorial  board  member  of  various  publications  committees  at  different    institutions.  He  has  coordinated  and  facilitated  English  Language  Training  for  English  Teachers,  Medical  College  Students,  Nurses  and  Senior  Paramedics  and  trained  university  students  on  translation  and  creative  writing.  
Currently,  he  is  the  Head  of  the  Department  and    Chair,  Program  Self-Assessment  Committee,  IQAC,  Department  of  English,  City  University  .  He  also  worked  as  an  adjunct/guest  faculty  and/or  External  Examiner  at  Jahangirnagar  University,  BUP,  DIU,  and  GB.  
He  has  been  working  as  an  Associate  Editor,  IDEAS:  A  Journal  of  Literature  Arts  and  Culture  ,  since  2015;  Associate  Editor,  BODHI,  International  Journal  of  Research  in  Humanities,  Arts  and  Science,  India;  Executive  Editor,  City  University  Journal,  Bangladesh;  and    Reviewer,  International  Journal  of  Research  and  Innovation  in  Social  Sciences  (IJRISS),  India.  He  has  edited  a  good  number  of  wall  magazines  since  his  school  days  including  KOTHA  arr  LEKHA  (  2010-  2022).

He  is  one  of  the  PhD  Thesis  Evaluation  Panel  Members  &  External  Examiners  at    Universitiesin  India.Dr.  Mahbub  has  also  Supervised  Theses  Papers/  Dissertation  and  course-project  works  (of  Translation  Studies)  of  more  than  500  students.  

Faculty  and  Department  Affiliation:
Department  of  English,  
Faculty  of  Arts  and  Social  Science.

Teaching  Experience:  Twenty  two  years  

Research  &  Publication:      44  Publications:  25  Research  Articles,  4  Conference  Papers  (India,  Malaysia,  Turkey  and  Bangladesh),  15  Books      and  3  Books  on  progress.  

 Published  papers  :
1.    “Beckett’s  Godot:  Not  Just  an  Enigma”,  Harvest  (Jahangirnagar  Studies  in  Language  and  Literature),  Volume  26,  2010  –  2011.
2.  “Nora:  Birth  of  a  Free  Soul”  Harvest  (Jahangirnagar  Studies  in  Language  and  Literature),  Volume  27,  2012-2013.
3.    A  Book  Chapter  on  “A  Great  Soul  Indeed”  Memoirs  of  a  Life  Insurance  Icon  KhudaBuksh,    Reviewers  Choice    Award  winner,    Library  of  Congress  Control  Number:  2010907520,  ISBN:  978-1-4500-5168-2,  pp.224-  231,  Xilibres,  New  York,2011.[]
4.  “Ode  on  a  Grecian  Urn:  A  Journey  towards  Beauty  Love  and  True  life”,  Gono  University  Journal  of  Basic  &  Social  Sciences,  Volume  01,  No.  1,      2013-2014,  ISSN:  2309-0642.  
5.    Beyond  Sexual  Anxiety:  Experience  and  Mystery  of  the  Marabar  Caves  in  "A  passage  to  India",  IDEAS  A  Journal  of  Literature  Arts  and  Culture,  Volume  1,  September  2015,  ISSN:  2413-1814.  [Also  accepted  by  theInternational  Conference  on  BESSH  2016,  Istanbul  Turkey,  paper  ID  ISS-146-105  for  presenting  the  paper.]
 6.  “E.M.  Forster’s  Caves:  An  Enigma”,  Gono  University  Journal  of  Basic  &  Social  Sciences,  Volume  01,  No.  2,  2015-  2016.
7.  “Sense  or  Nonsense:  Tramps  in  Beckett’s  Waiting  for  Godot  Versus  the  Fool  in  Shakespeare’s  King  Lear”,  Journal  of  GonoBiswabidyaly,  Volume  02,  No.  1,  June  2017,  ISSN:  2309-0642.    .
8.  “Just  Trivial  or  Weighty:  A  Study  on  Beckett’s  Tramps  from  Shakespearean  Fool  to  Ahmad’s  vagabonds  in  Waiting  for  Godot,  King  Lear  and  the  Thing”,  IDEAS  A  Journal  of  Literature  Arts  and  Culture,  Volume  02,  December  2017,  ISSN:  2413-1814.
9.  “Social  Satire,  Representational  Metaphor  and  Hope  in  Sayeed  Ahmad’s  Survival:  An  Analytical  Study”,  Journal  of  City  University,  Volume  3,  December  2019.
10.“  A  Voyage  to  Epistolary  Pad”,  IDEAS  A  Journal  of  Literature  Arts  and  Culture,  Volume  3,    2017-2018,  ISSN:  2413-1814.
11.  Prophetic  and  Catastrophic  Voices  in  “The  Second  Coming”  and  “The  Waste  Land”,  Journal  of  ELT  and  Education,  Volume  2,  Issue  3  &  4,  July-December  2019,  ISSN:  2618-1290.
12.  “Certain  Uncertainty  in  Beckett’s  Waiting  for  Godot  and  Ahmad’s  The  Thing”,  IDEAS  A  Journal  of  Literature  Arts  and  Culture,  Volume  4,    2018-2019,  ISSN:  2413-1814.
13.  “Rabindranath  Tagore  and  English  Romantic  Poets  :  On  Imagination”  ManababidyaGabesanapatra  (in  Bangla),  The  Research  Journal  of  Humanities,  JatiyaKabiKaziNazrul  Islam  University,  Mymensing.  
14.  “Absurd  Writing’s  Style:  A  Comparative  Study  on  Samuel  Beckett’s  Waiting  for  Godot  and  Sayeed  Ahmad’s  The  Thing”,  Harvest  (Jahangirnagar  Studies  in  Language  and  Literature),  Volume  33,  2017-2018.
15.  “Human  Brain  :  Perspectives  from  Second  Language  (L2)  Learning”  ,  IDEAS  A  Journal  of  Literature  Arts  and  Culture,  Volume  05,    January  2020,  ISSN:  2413-1814.
16.  “Reading  Fiction  and  Poetry:  A  Path  to  Establish  Peace  in  Society”  Journal  of  ELT  and  Education,  Volume  3,  Issue  1  &  2,  Page:  09-14,  ISSN:  2618-1290.  (First  co-author).
17.  “The  Reality  of  Absurdity  as  Reflected  in  Sayeed  Ahmad’s  Milepost”,  DIU  Journal  of  Humanities  and  Social  Science  (JHSS),2020,  ISSN  (2305-0136).
18.  “Longing  for  Going  on:  A  Prime  Projection  in  Beckett’s  and  Ahmad’s  Plays”,  Submitted  for  8th  ICSDAP  Biennial  Conference,  Thamasat  University,  Thailand,  14-16  October  2020.
19.  “Perceiving  Reality  through  Absurdity:  A  Prime  Projection  in  Waiting  for  Godot  and    The  Thing”Shanlax  International  Journal  of  Arts,  Science  and  Humanities,  Volume  8,  no.  1,  2020  ,  Page:  1-6,  P-ISSN:  2321-788X,  E-ISSN:  2582-0397.  (“Co-  first  author”).
20.  “Hope  in  Hopelessness:  Appreciating  “Waiting”  as  an  Essential  Device  in  Selected  Plays  of  Beckett  and  Ahmad”,  Shanlax  International  Journal  of  Arts,  Science  and  Humanities,  Volume  8,  no.  2,  2020  ,  Page:  27-32,  P-ISSN:  2321-788X,  E-ISSN:  2582-0397.  (“First  co-  author”)
21.  “Alienation  in  the  Historical  Perspective:  The  Origin  and  the  Cause”,  IDEAS  A  Journal  of  Literature  Arts  and  Culture,  Volume  06,  January  2021,  ISSN:  2413-1814.
22.  “Ambivalence,  Hope  and  Rebellion:  A  Post-  Colonial  Posture  to  Sayeed  Ahmad's  Play  Survival”  Harvest  (Jahangirnagar  Studies  in  Language  and  Literature),  Volume  35,  2019-2020.(“Co-first  author”)
23.  “Reading  Between  the  Lines:  A  Timeless  Expression  of  Life  in  Keats’  “To  Autumn””  ,  Journal  of  Bangabandhu  Institute  of  Comparative  Literature  &  Culture  (BICLC),  Jahangirnagar  University.
24.  “Absurdism  as  a  Continuous  Trend  From  Greek  Theatre  to  the  Theatre  of  the  Absurd”,  IDEAS  A  Journal  of  Literature  Arts  and  Culture,  Volume  07,  December    2021,  ISSN:  2413-1814.
Published  Books  :
1.  Shakespeare  theke  Robert  Frost:  KaljoyiKichuEngregiKobita[From  Shakespeare  to  Robert  Frost:  Some  timeless  English  Poems]  Translation  of  41  selected  poems.  GonoProkashoni,  Dhaka,  ISBN  no.  984-70044-0002-0  (May  2007).
2.  Short  Stories  of  SelimMorshed  ,  Translation  of  two  long  Short  Stories  [The  House  of  tears  and  Shokhichan,  Page  no.  33-  80]  from  the  Bengali  originals;  Ulukhar  (  Asian  Writers  Series)  ,  Bangladesh,  ISBN  no.  984-300-002973-9  (Published  on  March  2009)
3.  RongdhonuKanna(a  collection  of  poems);  F.B.Prokashoni,  Dhaka,  January  2010.
4.  A  Window  to  the  Learners  of  English,  Creative  Publication,  Dhaka,  Sole  distributor  Friends’  Book  Corner,  Dhaka  1205,  ISBN  no.  978-984-90124-2-9    (Published  in  June  2012).
5.  A  Doll’s  House,Henrik  Ibsen,  Translation  (Bengali)  GonoProkashoni,  Dhaka-1314,  ISBN  no.  978-984-90124-6-7    (Published  on  January  2014).
6.  Waiting  for  Pied  Piper  of  Hamelin(Rimes  on  Ancient  Love  and  Dismay)  Adorn  Books,  Dhaka,  Bangladesh.ISBN:  978  984  20  0466-7,  February  2015.

7.  Shakespeare  theke  Keats-  Robert  Frost  theke  Eliot,Translation,  Adorn  Books,  Dhaka,  Bangladesh.  ISBN:  978984200465-0,  February  2016.
8.  Arms  and  the  Man,George  Bernard  Shaw,  Translation  (Bengali),GonoProkashoni,  ISBN  no.  978-984-90125-4-2,Dhaka.2016.
9.  English  Applied  Writing,  Volume  II,GonoProkashoni,  Dhaka-1314,  ISBN  no.  978-984-90125-7-3  ,  Dhaka  2016.
10.  Developing  Writing  Skill  For  Bangladeshi  Students  (for  Undergraduate  and  Graduate  Students),  Adorn  Books,  Dhaka,  Bangladesh.2017.
11.  Journey  with  a  Snake  Pleasure  (ShapLuduKhela),  Translation  (English)  of  a  Novelette  by  SelimMorshed.  Protishilpo,  Dhaka.
12.  Management  Guide  to  Delegating,  Translation  (Bengali)  GonoProkashoni,  Dhaka.
13.  Basic  English  Language  Skills(for  Bangladeshi  Graduate  Students),  Creative  Lounge    Publication,  ISBN:  978-984-90124-2-9  ,  Dhaka,  2019.
14.  The  Reality  of  Absurdity  Selected  Research  Articles    LAP  LAMBERT  Academic  Publishing  (2020-11-13  )  ISBN-13:  978-620-3-02921-5,  ISBN-10:  6203029211,  EAN:  9786203029215,  Germany;  Website:
15.  Absurdity  versus  Reality:  A  Comparative  Study  ALIENATION,  ABSURDITY,  WAITING  AND  HOPE  IN  SELECT  PLAYS  OF  BECKETT  &  SAYEED  AHMAD  ,  LAP  LAMBERT  Academic  Publishing  (2022-06-28)  ISBN-13:978-620-4-95450-9,  ISBN-10:  6204954504,  EAN:  :  9786204954509,  Website:
Accepted  manuscript  (Books):
1. Jake  &Tuffy  (A  Children’s  Story),  Translation  (Bengali)  GonoProkashoni,  Dhaka.
2. People  in  History,  Translation  (Bengali)  GonoProkashoni,  Dhaka.

Manuscript  (Books  on  Progress):
● Translation  Studies:  A  Study  Guide  for  Bangladeshi  Students
● A  Handbook  to  Comparative  Literature

Editorial  Activity/Journal  Reviewer                :        
1.  PhD  Thesis  Evaluation  Panel  Member  &  External  Examiner  ,    India
2.  Associate  Editor,  IDEAS,  A  Journal  of      Literature  Arts  and  Culture  ,  Bangladesh.        
3.  Executive  Editor,  City  University  Journal,  Bangladesh
4.  Associate  Editor,  BODHI,    International  Journal  of  Research  in    Humanities,  Arts  and  Science,  India.            
5.  Reviewer,    International  Journal  of    Research  and  Innovation  in  Social  Sciences  (IJRISS),  India.